
Research themes

    Currently a 1st year PhD student at QUT in the school of mathematical sciences, covering the following themes.

    Poisson Point Processes

    In probability, statistics and related fields a Poisson point process is a type of random mathematical object that consists of points randomly located on some underlying mathematical space.

    Variational Inference

    A family of techniques for approximating intractable integrals arising in Bayesian inference and machine learning.

    On-line / Sequential methods

    Single-pass algorithms for streaming and big data (real time), where new batches of data and models are processed without revisiting past observations.

Academic profiles

Academic background

  • PhD Probability / Statistics - QUT 2023 (expected)
  • MSc Mathematics Applied - USQ 2018
  • BSc Mathematics - USQ 2016
  • BSc Spatial Science Honours - USQ 2013